Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Running My webMethods Server from the Command Line : The OSGi Profile Commands
The OSGi Profile Commands
When using My webMethods Server from the command line, you can use several commands to manage the OSGi profile for a server instance. The command syntax is:
mws -s serverName OSGi-profile-command
Use the -s serverName option if this is not the default server instance, or you specified a custom name for the default instance during installation.
Uses the My webMethods Server bundles to create an OSGi profile for the specified server instance. The profile name is the name specified by the -s option with MWS_ preceding it.
Deletes the OSGi profile for the specified server instance.
Renames the OSGi profile for the specified server instance with a date and time value. You can then use the create-osgi-profile command to create a new profile.
Updates the OSGi profile for the specified server instance. Resets the server name, the service name, and the JAVA_HOME variable, and updates the OSGi bundles associated with the server instance.
When do I need to create an OSGi profile?
You use the create-osgi-profile command to create again the OSGi profile for a server instance when the existing profile has become corrupt. To remove a corrupt OSGi profile for a server instance and then create a fresh copy of the profile again, run the following sequence of commands:
1. mws -s serverName  delete-osgi-profile
2. mws -s serverName  create-osgi-profile
When do I need to update an OSGi profile?
You use the update-osgi-profile command when you modify the configuration of a server instance or install a new webMethods application to run on an existing server instance.
Before updating an OSGi profile, you should consider making a backup copy of the custom_wrapper.conf file. For more information about working with the custom_wrapper.conf file, see Modifying Configuration Files.
When do I need to deprecate an OSGi profile?
When you deprecate an OSGi profile, you rename the profile so it is no longer associated with the server instance. In this case, you use the deprecate-osgi-profile command, followed by the create-osgi-profile command for the same server instance. It is the equivalent of performing an update-osgi-profile command and saving a backup copy.
When do I need to delete an OSGi profile?
You usually use the delete-osgi-profile command to remove an OSGi profile that has become corrupt. To remove a corrupt OSGi profile for a server instance and then create a fresh copy of the profile again, run the following sequence of commands:
1. mws -s serverName  delete-osgi-profile
2. mws -s serverName  create-osgi-profile
Before deleting an OSGi profile, you should consider making a backup copy of the custom_wrapper.conf file. For more information about working with the custom_wrapper.conf file, see Modifying Configuration Files.
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