Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : My webMethods Server Clustering : Creating a Cluster Node from an Image
Creating a Cluster Node from an Image
One method to create a cluster is to save an image of a machine with an installed My webMethods Server instance and other products, and move it to a new machine. This effort saves installation time and results in an identical configuration on the new machine. It is recommended that you create an image of a fully initialized My webMethods Server instance instead of just a My webMethods Server installation. The My webMethods Server instance becomes fully initialized after it has been started for the first time and the administrator successfully logs in and then stops it.
Before you can use the new node in a cluster, you need to make a few changes. The new machine needs to have access to the My webMethods Server database, but you should not start My webMethods Server before making the following changes.
To add a node created from an image
1. On the machine with a new image, at a command line prompt, move to the bin directory of the server instance:
Software AG_directory \MWS\bin
2. To retrieve the cluster.xml file from the My webMethods Server database, type this command:
mws getconfig cluster.xml
3. Open the cluster.xml file in a text editor.
You can find the file at this location:
Software AG_directory \MWS\server\serverName\config
4. Copy the entire <Component> element for the server instance on the original machine and paste it back into the cluster.xml file.
5. For the new <Component> element, make these changes:
a. Change the name value to a node name descriptive of the new node.
b. Change the host property to host name of the new machine
For example:
host="server-one" name="http"
might be changed to this:
host="server-two" name="http"
c. As needed, change the <Role> values to reflect the cluster roles to be assumed by the new node.
6. To deploy the revised cluster.xml file to the My webMethods Server database, at the command line prompt type this command:
mws putconfig cluster.xml
7. Delete the cluster.xml file from the \serverName\config directory.
If you do not delete the cluster.xml file, this node will continue to use the local version of the file.
8. Open the custom_wrapper.conf file for the server instance in a text editor. You can find the file at this location:
Software AG_directory \profiles\MWS_serverName\configuration\
9. In the custom_wrapper.conf file, change the value of the NODE_NAME statement and save the file:
10. Start the My webMethods Server instance.
11. If the startup completes successfully, open a browser window and log into My webMethods Server as SysAdmin, to verify it is running correctly.
12. Restart each node in the cluster.
You can restart nodes manually, or you can do so from within My webMethods Server, as described in Restarting or Stopping All Nodes in a Cluster.
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