Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : My webMethods Server Clustering : Modifying the Cluster Configuration : Deleting a Node from a Cluster
Deleting a Node from a Cluster
When a node in a My webMethods Server cluster is no longer in use, you should delete it from the cluster by doing the following:
To delete a node from a cluster
1. From another node, stop the node to be deleted from the cluster, as described in Restarting or Stopping Individual Nodes in a Cluster.
2. To retrieve the cluster.xml file from the My webMethods Server database, type this command:
mws getconfig cluster.xml
3. Open the cluster.xml file in a text editor, which you can find at this location:
Software AG_directory \MWS\server\serverName\config
4. In the cluster.xml file, locate the node to be deleted, remove the entire <Component> element for this node, and save the file. For example:
<Component class="com.webmethods.portal.system.cluster.impl.Server"
    enabled="true" name="nodeName">
5. To deploy the revised cluster.xml file to the My webMethods Server database, type this command:
mws putconfig cluster.xml
6. Delete the cluster.xml file from the \serverName\config directory.
7. Restart the cluster, as described in Restarting or Stopping All Nodes in a Cluster.
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