Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : My webMethods Server Clustering : Modifying the Cluster Configuration : Renaming a Node
Renaming a Node
Nodes in a cluster are automatically given node names when you add them to the cluster. This name appears in these locations in the My webMethods Server user interface:
Field Name
My webMethods Server page
Advanced or Clustered Configuration
Cluster Status and Control
You can change the name of any node manually by doing the following:
To rename a node in a cluster
1. At a command line prompt on the machine that contains the node, move to the bin directory of the server instance:
Software AG_directory \MWS\bin
2. To retrieve the cluster.xml file from the My webMethods Server database, type this command:
mws getconfig cluster.xml
3. Open the cluster.xml file in a text editor.
You can find the file at this location:
Software AG_directory \MWS\server\serverName\config
4. In the cluster.xml file, change the name attribute of the Component element for this node and save the file:
<Component class="com.webmethods.portal.system.cluster.impl.Server"
    enabled="true" name="nodeName">
5. To deploy the revised cluster.xml file to the My webMethods Server database, at the command line prompt type this command:
mws putconfig cluster.xml
6. Delete the cluster.xml file from the \serverName\config directory.
If you do not delete the cluster.xml file, this node will continue to use the local version of the file.
7. Open the custom_wrapper.conf file for the server instance in a text editor. You can find the file at this location:
Software AG_directory \profiles\MWS_serverName\configuration\
8. In the custom_wrapper.conf file, change the value of the NODE_NAME statement and save the file:
9. Open either the or file (whichever file is present) in a text editor. You can find the file at this location:
Software AG_directory \MWS\server\serverName\config\
10. Edit the name=nodeName statement and save the file.
11. Restart the node, as described in Restarting or Stopping Individual Nodes in a Cluster.
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