Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Analysis, Reporting, and Troubleshooting : Controlling Server Logging : About Logging Thresholds
About Logging Thresholds
Define logging thresholds to control the log messages that My webMethods Server collects. Each log message is assigned a log level. A threshold indicates the log level of messages you want My webMethods Server to collect. My webMethods Server logs messages that have the level you specify and all higher levels. As a result, by setting thresholds, you can limit the growth of log files. Set lower log levels when you want to collect more information and higher log levels when you want to collect less information.
The following table describes the levels, from the lowest level to the highest:
Log level
Set a threshold to this level if you want the logs to contain messages of all levels. This level provides the most detail; however, log files grow quickly.
The server issues DEBUG messages at multiple points within a server event. Set a threshold to this level to collect DEBUG messages and all higher-level messages (e.g., INFO, WARN, etc.). This level is useful for debugging a problem; however, log files grow quickly.
The server issues INFO messages to indicate that a server event has occurred. Set a threshold to this level to collect INFO messages and all higher-level messages.
The server issues WARN messages to warn you of an error that is not serious. Set a threshold to this level to collect WARN, ERROR, and FATAL messages.
The server issues ERROR messages when a non-fatal error occurs. Set a threshold to this level to collect ERROR and FATAL messages.
The server issues ERROR messages when a fatal error occurs. Set a threshold to this level to collect only FATAL messages.
To define a threshold, assign one of the levels described in the table above.
*Assign a log level to a logger threshold for a category, web application, or portlet application to control the messages that My webMethods Server collects for that category or application. You can view the categories and applications for which My webMethods Server can collect messages on the Logging Configuration page.
*Assign a log level to an output threshold to control the messages that My webMethods Server writes to the console or one of the following log files:
*_full_.log, which can contain all level of messages from all categories, web applications, and portlet applications.
*_problems_.log, which contains messages from all categories, web applications, and portlet applications; however, it restricts the level to WARN messages or higher, that is WARN, ERROR, or FATAL messages.
*_errors_.xm_, which is an XML fragment that contains messages from all categories, web applications, and portlet applications. By default it contains only FATAL messages.
You can wrap the XML fragment that is contained in the errors log with a root XML element to produce well-formed XML.
The logger threshold takes precedence over an output threshold. When the server collects a log message, it first sends the message to a specified logger. If the message does not meet the threshold, it is discarded. However, if the log level of the message meets or exceeds the logger threshold, the server forwards the message on to the logging outputs. If the log level of the message does not meet the output threshold, it is discarded. Finally, if the message meets or exceeds the output threshold, the server writes the message to the output. In other words, if a message does not meet the threshold you set for a category or application (logger threshold), it is discarded and therefore cannot be written to the output.
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