Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Diagnosing My webMethods Server : Using My webMethods Server Command Line Tools : threaddump
Enables monitoring thread execution on My webMethods Server local and remote servers. The threaddump command uses Java Management Extensions (JMX) to establish a remote connection to the server and then obtains the thread dump information.
By default, threaddump is configured to obtain information about the local system running on port 5002. To run the command to obtain information from a remote system, you must configure the -n | --host option.
The threaddump command is located in the following directory:
Software AG_directory /MWS/tools/diagnostics/bin
*On Windows: threaddump.bat -b username -g password [options]
*On UNIX: ./threaddump -b username -g password [options]
[{-a | --action} {all | deadlocked}]
[{-n | --host} host_name]
[{-p | --port} port_number]
[{-e | --stack-depth} integer]
[{-s | --server} server_instance]
[{-b | --username} user_name]
[{-g | --password} password]
[{-k | --ssl} {true | false}]
[{–x | --xml}]
[{–o | --output} directory_path_file_name]
[{-h | --help}]
Arguments and Option
{-b | --username}
Required. Specifies a user name that can connect to the server.
{-g | --password}
Required. Specifies a password for the specified user name.
{-a | --action}
Specifies the information type to capture. Specify one of the following:
*all to monitor the status of all threads (default ).
*deadlocked to identify server processes experiencing a thread deadlock.
{-n | --host}
Provides the host name of My webMethods Server; uses the default value of localhost when no value is specified; supply a host_name when My webMethods Server is running remotely.
{-p | --port}
Specifies the number of the JMX monitoring port. When the port number is not specified, the command uses the default port number, 5002.
{-e | --stack-depth}
Specifies the number of methods to display in the command prompt. When unspecified, the command uses 10 as the default value.
{-s | --server}
Executes the command on another server instance available on the local system. When unspecified, the default instance is used.
{-k | --ssl}
Indicates if communication is over SSL. Valid arguments are:
*true use this value when communications are carried out over SSL.
*false use this value when My webMethods Server is not configured to expose JMX over SSL (default).
{-x | --xml}
Generates XML output. A linked XSL stylesheet is also generated to enable viewing the XML in a web browser (rendered as HTML).
{-l | --legacy}
Generates text output in the format used in My webMethods Server version 9.6 and earlier. This format is not compatible with the third-party Thread Dump Analyzer tool.
{-o | --output}
Saves the output to the specified file on the file system and does not display it in the console window.
{-h | --help}
Displays command help text for the command, the available options and arguments, and default values.
Usage Notes
*By default, the threaddump command generates output in plain text format. Beginning with My webMethods Server version 9.7, the default text output can be consumed by the third-party Thread Dump Analyzer tool. Use the -l | -- legacy option to generate text output in the previous format.
*The threaddump command uses JMX, which requires authentication. You must provide user credentials with the threaddump command to obtain the needed information. In addition, the provided user name must have the My webMethods Server Connect to MWS JMX functional privilege, mws.privilege.jmx.connect.
*The threaddump command saves the information in the diagnostics.log file located in the Software AG_directory /MWS/tools/diagnostics/config/ directory.
*The threaddump command produces the result using the log4j mechanism. For more information, see Log4j. The log file is located in the directory from which the tool was started. If you run the tool repeatedly, the logging utility appends the new information to the existing log file from the previous run.
*Windows example:
threaddump.bat -a all -n localhost -p 5002 -e 8 -s myServer –x -o
C:\softwareag\MWS\tools\diagnostics\bin\output\ -b user -g password
*UNIX example:
./threaddump -a all -n localhost -p 5002 -e 8 -s myServer –x –o
/opt/softwareag/MWS/tools/diagnostics/bin/output/ -b user -g password
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