Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Diagnosing My webMethods Server : Using My webMethods Server Command Line Tools : memorydump
Captures information about memory allocation of My webMethods Server instances that run on local and remote systems. Use the memorydump command to identify possible memory leaks or troubleshoot any existing memory allocation problems.
The command creates a heapdump-yyyy-MM-dd-HH_mm_ss_z.hprof file after it collects the information. To open and analyze the file, you can use the standard JDK 1.6 jVisualVM tool available in your java/bin directory or use an alternative Java profiler tool.
You can specify options that gather information from a local or remote system, and the name of the server instance you want to diagnose. When the memorydump command creates a large results file, you can set a command option to compress the output and create a smaller archive file, When you use the compressed file option, the compressed file is stored in the file system and the uncompressed copy is deleted.
You cannot compress the result when diagnosing the memory allocation of My webMethods Server on a remote system.
The memorydump command is located in the following directory:
Software AG_directory /MWS/tools/diagnostics/bin
*On Windows: memorydump.bat -b username -g password [options]
*On UNIX: ./memorydump -b username -g password [options]
[{-n | --host} host_name]
[{-p | --port} port_number]
[{-k | --ssl} {true | false}]
[{-c | --compress}]
[{-s | --server} server_name]
[{-o | --output} directory_path/name]
Arguments and Options
{-b | --username}
Required. Specifies a user name that can connect to the server.
{-g | --password}
Required. Specifies a password for the specified user name.
{-n | --host}
Provides the host name of My webMethods Server; uses the default value of localhost when no value is specified; supply a host_name when My webMethods Server is running remotely.
{-p | --port}
Specifies the number of the JMX monitoring port of the specified server instance. When the port number is not specified, the command uses the default port number, 5002.
{-k | --ssl}
Configures communication over SSL. The default value is false. If My webMethods Server is configured to use JMX over SSL, set this value to true.
{-c | --compress}
Compresses the file and adds it to an archive (.zip) file.
This option does not apply when the command-line tool is run on server instances located on a remote system.
{-s | --server}
Executes the command on the specified server instance available on the local system. When unspecified, the default instance is used.
Do not use this option to specify a server instance on a remote system. Use the {-p | --port} option to specify the JMX port used by the remote system.
{-o | --output}
Saves and stores the XML results in the specified location and with a different file name; the results are not displayed in the console window.
Required when running the command on a remote system.
{-h | --help}
Displays command help text for the command, the available options and arguments, and default values.
Usage Notes
*You must specify the full location path to the result including the exact file name.
*You can run the command only on Java Runtime Environment version 1.6 (JRE 1.6) and later. Additionally, you can only run the command on a HotSpot Java virtual machine (JVM) provided by Oracle Corporation. You cannot run the command on other JVMs.
Security Considerations
The memorydump command uses Java Management Extensions (JMX) to establish a remote connection to the server and to obtain the memory dump information. You must provide user credentials in the command using credentials that have My webMethods Server Connect to MWS JMX functional privilege, mws.privilege.jmx.connect.
*Windows example:
memorydump.bat –c -s myServer
–o C:\softwareag\MWS\tools\diagnostics\bin\output\fileName.hprof
-b myUserName -g myPassword
*UNIX example:
./memorydump –c -s myServer
–o opt/softwareag/MWS/tools/diagnostics/bin/output/fileName.hprof
-b myUserName -g myPassword
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