Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Diagnosing My webMethods Server : Using My webMethods Server Command Line Tools : envdiff
Compares the XML file results from two separate output files generated by the envcapture command-line tool and helps you identify issues related to environment changes. For more information, see envcapture.
You can run the envdiff command on your local instance of My webMethods Server to obtain a baseline reference file. At a later time, you can run the envcapture command again and then compare the two files with the envdiff command to examine the following:
*Folder structure
*File size
*MD5 hash
The envdiff command options enable you to manually exclude artifacts such as a specific directory’s sub-trees from the comparison.
In addition, you can display the results as a plain text report in the console window, or save them as a merged XML file. The merged file outlines the differences and identifies the originating documents.
The envdiff command is located in the following directory:
Software AG_directory /MWS/tools/diagnostics/bin.
*On Windows: envdiff.bat file_A file_B [options]
*On UNIX: ./envdiff.bat file_A file_B [options]
[{-r | --ignore-attributes} {size | md5Hash | timestamp | permissions}]
[{-u | --ignore-subtrees} directory_name]
[{–x | --xml]
[{–o | --output} directory_path/filename]
Argument or Option
The path and file name of the first of the two files you want to compare.
The path and file name of the second of the two files you want to compare.
{-r | --ignore-attributes}
Specifies the attributes to exclude from the file comparison. To exclude multiple attributes, separate the items using a comma. Valid attributes for this option are as follows:
{-u | --ignore-subtrees}
Specifies the directory sub-trees to exclude from the comparison. To exclude multiple directories, separate the items using a comma.
{-x | --xml}
Displays XML output in the console window.
{-o | --output}
Saves the XML output to a file on the file system and does not display it in the console window. Valid only with the {-x | --xml} option.
{-h | --help}
Displays command help text about the command, the available options and arguments, and default values.
Usage Notes
After comparing the files, the results show the following:
*Expected and actual size of the directories; the size of the directories could differ if there are changes in the directory structure, for example, new directories are created in the structure.
*Differences in a specific file by comparing the content of the file, based on the captured md5Hash information.
*Expected and actual size of files and the corresponding time stamps.
*Differences resulting from new, updated and deleted files or directories.
*Differences in user permissions of the directories.
envdiff.bat C:\Compare_XMLs\reference.xml
    –r size,md5Hash –u temp,dir1 –x –o C:\Compare_XMLs\Result\
./envdiff /opt/Compare_XMLs/reference.xml
–r size,md5Hash –u temp,dir1 –x –o /opt/Compare_XMLs/Result/
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