Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Customizing Skins : What are Skins? : Make-up of a Skin Package : The Skin Deployment File
The Skin Deployment File
The skinDeploy.xml file contains deployment information for the skin package. This deployment information is contained entirely as attributes of the root wm_xt_skin element.
It is unnecessary to make any modifications to this file for a newly created custom skin package.
These are the attributes of the wm_xt_skin element in the skinDeploy.xml file
The name of the skin package.
A comma-separated list of aliases to the skin as used by My webMethods Server.
The display name for the skin as it appears in the user interface.
The version number of the skin. When you modify and release the skin package, you should increment the minor version number.
A semicolon-separated list of CSS style declarations that demonstrates the style on an html element in the user interface.
A legacy attribute. The value of this attribute should always take the form /ui/skins/skin-name/ where skin-name is the skin's system name.
A legacy attribute. The value of this attribute should always take the form /ui/skins/skin-name/ where skin-name is the skin's system name.
The Carbon Sailing skin package used as an example elsewhere in this guide has a skinDeploy.xml file that looks like this:
<wm_xt_skin name="wm_skin_carbon"
    description="Carbon Sailing Skin"
    cssPreview="color:#fff; background-color:#6f6f60;"
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