Monitoring Services : webMethods Monitor User’s Guide : Working with Process Models : About Process Model Data Logging : About Process Model Logging Levels
About Process Model Logging Levels
The following table describes the available process model logging levels, with additional information about choosing a particular level. Further information about choosing a logging level is found in Improving Process Logging Performance.
You want to log...
If in Monitor, you want to be able to...
Set to...
View process status?
View step status?
Resubmit a process?
*Nothing (that is, disable process logging)
1 - None
*Process status when steps fail
*Input pipelines for failed steps
*Run-time values for document fields
At failed step
At failed step
2 - Errors only
*Process status
*Input pipelines for failed steps
*Run-time values for document fields
*Optionally, transitions
At failed step
3 - Process only
*Process status and start step status
*Input pipelines for start steps and failed steps
*Run-time values for document fields
*Optionally, transitions
For start step
At start or failed step
4 - Process and start events
*Process status and all step statuses
*Input pipelines for every step
*Run-time values for document fields
*Optionally, transitions
*Loop count and loop iteration status for all processed steps.
For all steps
At any step that has logged input pipeline
5 - Process and all events, activities, and looped activities
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