Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : XSD Concepts and Generation : Templates for XSD Generation
Templates for XSD Generation
Documentation can be included with the generated XSD output, which is embedded in the XML in the <Appinfo> tag of each XSD type. Documentation parameters can be configured in the XSD Configuration object. The template, TEMPLATE_11179_01, is installed with OneData and can be customized as needed. Or, you can add new templates. The following table describes the attributes of the XSD Configuration entity.
Template Name
Name of the template, either the default template or a custom template that you add. This value is case-sensitive.
Complex Type Name
Name of the complex type. Values are case-sensitive and can be restricted to one of the following:
*DE. Associates documentation with the data element. Populated from ADMIN_ITEM or DE tables only.
ALT_NMS. Associates documentation with the alternate names of the data element.
PERM_VAL. Associates information with the permissible values of the data element.
CLSFCTN_SCHM_ITEM. Associates information with the Classification Scheme Item.
Element Name
Name of the element within the complex type.
Element Type
Type of Element
*1. Simple Type
*2. Complex Type
Element Sequence
Sequence of the element within the complex type
Element Min Occrs
Minimum number of occurrences of the element within the complex type. If no value specified, defaults to 0.
Element Max Occrs
Maximum number of occurrences of the element within the complex type. If no value specified, defaults to 0.
Element Data Type
XSD datatype for the element. Applies to for simple types. Data type must belong to the namespace xs, for example, xs:string
Element Table Name
Table from which to retrieve element data. Applies to and required for simple types. Must be in uppercase.
Element Column Name
Column from which to retrieve element data. Applies to and required for simple types. Must be in uppercase.
Element Related Table Name
Parent (related) table of the element. Optional. Applies to simple types. Used to display descriptions for lookup values.
Element Related Column Name
Parent (related) column of the element. Optional. Applies to simple types. Used to display descriptions for lookup values.
When multiple columns must be specified for either the Element Column Name or Element Related Column Name, use ';' as the delimiter.
Element Related Description Column Name
Parent table column from which to retrieve information for the element. Optional. Applies to simple types. Used to display descriptions for lookup values.
When multiple columns must be specified for either the Element Column Name or Element Related Column Name, use ';' as the delimiter.
In the following example, the element, CLSFCTN_SCHM_NM is a simple type belonging to the complex type CLSFCTN_SCHM_ITEM, occurring one time within the complex type. The information for this simple type is retrieved from the column CLSFCTN_SCHM_ITEM_NM.
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