Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : XSD Concepts and Generation : XML Schema Definition (XSD)
XML Schema Definition (XSD)
OneData Registry can generate XML schema specifications based on the data elements related to a Classification Scheme Hierarchy node. The Generate XSD link for a Classification Scheme Item generates an XSD that evaluates the Classification Scheme as a complex type comprised of zero or more child classification scheme items (optional), and one or more data elements associated to it through the nested object Items Classified. The generated XSD also considers each of the child Classification Scheme Items and data elements having Derived DE Components (simple types) as complex types. If the data element does not have any associated Derived DE Components, then the generated XSD treats the data element as a simple type.
The XSD derives its data type, maximum length, and minimum length from the Value Domain associated with the data element. If the data element can contain values from a restricted set, it is derived from the permissible values associated with the Value Domain that is associated with the Data Element.
The command Generate AppInfo XSD generates the XSD for the types used in the documentation.
XSD data type is extracted based on the data element linked to value domain; value domain is linked to data type. DATA TYPE has attribute - XSD DATA TYPE. Multiple templates can be maintained for XSD generation.
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