Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Working with Projects : Copying Objects Between Projects
Copying Objects Between Projects
The objects that you create in a project are specific to that project. However, you can copy objects from one project (source) to another project (destination) using the Copy Object feature. When you use Copy Object, OneData copies only the metadata of that object. That is, the copy of the object shares the same physical table used by the original object.
If you delete either the original object or the copied object from their respective project, OneData retains the physical table of the object because it is shared by these objects.
To copy objects among projects
1. After you log on OneData, go to source Project that has the original object.
2. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Objects.
3. Select the object to copy.
4. In the Definition tab, click Copy Object.
5. In the pop up, select the destination project in Project.
The Project drop down lists the projects to which you have access.
After you select a project, the fields for Physical Table and Copy Option cannot be edited, because the original object and its copy share the same physical table. OneData copies only the metadata while copying objects among projects.
6. You can change the Name of the object to display a different name in the destination project.
7. Select a location in the destination project to copy the object.
8. Click Save.
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