Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Working with Projects : Granting Access to a Project
Granting Access to a Project
By default, users are only granted access to the Standard project. You can grant access to a specific project through role allocation. By default, when you create a custom project, the ADMIN and Read-Only roles are available in that project. To allocate the role to a user for a specific project, follow the instructions in this section.
To grant a user access to the project, allocate the user to a role. Create the role with the needed privileges within the project. For information about working into another project, see Navigating Between Projects. To create a user or a role in a custom project, you must allocate the ADMIN role in that project for your user ID and then you can create users or roles in that project.
The role assigned to a user must have the Repository Projects function selected to view the list of projects. For information about configuring a role, see Administering webMethods OneData.
To grant access to a project through role allocation
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > Security > Users.
The users in the current project are listed.
2. Click the Edit icon beside the user name for whom to provide the access.
3. Click Allocate Roles on top left side of the screen.
4. In Project, select the project to which access should be given. The Available Roles list displays the roles that are created in the selected project.
5. Select the required roles from the Available Roles list and use the arrows to move them to the Selected Roles list.
6. Click Save to assign the project specific roles.
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