Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Working with Projects : Projects
Projects are a way to organize the OneData repository into logical segments that can be administered independently. Projects are also an easy way to enforce security and limit access to only the data to a user needs. For example, an organization's employee data and financial data can be saved in different projects within the same repository, enabling smoother classification and simplifying setting user security. The projects could be configured so that only the finance division has access the financial data and only the Human Resources personnel can access the employee data.
OneData contains a default project, known as the Standard project. You can add any other custom projects to OneData, as needed.
If there are multiple projects, users can only access those projects to which they have been explicitly assigned privileges. The user is assigned, by default, to the project accessed when the user ID is created.
The users, roles, and the objects created in one project are specific to that project. However, connections to the Work and Release areas are universal across all projects. OneData provides the capability to copy objects across projects because the objects are project specific. When you create a new user in a project, ensure that the user ID is unique across the projects.
Projects cannot be deleted through the OneData interface.
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