Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Working with Metadata : Audit Logs : Viewing DML Logs
Viewing DML Logs
OneData DML log track all data changes made to object records, including create, update, and delete actions.
The DML Log Entries screen displays the detailed DML statement, including the reason for failure (if applicable), result, run time, and the user who executed the script. OneData sorts the DML logs by execution time in descending order.
DML logs are only applicable in a dual-schema landscape.
To view DML logs
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > Logs > DML Log.
OneData displays the DML Log Filter screen on which you can search for specific DML logs.
2. Select the filters to apply:
a. In Date Range, enter a date in the From and To fields to narrow the results to logs executed between the specified dates.
b. In Objects, select the logs for one or more objects. To select multiple objects, press the Control key and click the objects to include. You must select at least one object.
c. In Statement Types, select the types of actions to include in the result. You must select at least one statement type:
*All: Displays DML logs for all types of updates.
*Inserts: Displays only DML logs of objects with insert actions.
*Updates: Displays only DML logs of object with update actions.
*Deletes: Displays only DML logs of objects with delete actions.
*Purges: Displays only DML logs of object with purge actions.
d. Click Next.
The filter is an and filter. If multiple criteria are selected in the filter, OneData searches for logs that meet all of the criteria specified. For example, if a date range and object are specified, the filter returns the logs that match both the criteria for the type of action (statement type).
OneData displays the DML Log Entries screen.
3. Use the arrows above the columns to scroll through the results.
*To download the SQL script (filter) used to generate the results, click Download SQL-script. Save the file or open the results as prompted in the dialog box.
*To export the results to Excel, click Export to Excel. Save the file or open the file directly in Excel.
*To apply a different filter, click Change Filter.
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