Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Working with Metadata : Importing Metadata : Creating a Metadata Import Profile
Creating a Metadata Import Profile
To perform any action with metadata, such as import, create, or transfer to another repository, you must execute a profile. A profile defines all the information about the transfer that OneData needs.
To create a metadata import profile
1. Familiarize yourself with metadata constraints and restrictions before beginning this procedure. For more information about rules and constraints with transferring metadata, see Transferring and Importing Metadata.
2. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > Metadata > Import Metadata.
3. Click Add Profile.
4. Complete the profile properties:
a. Complete the profile name and description.
b. Select the project into which the metadata should be copied. (The repository is already selected.)
c. Select the file to import by clicking Browse.
d. Select the logging options:
*Display logs on screen. Publishes logs to the screen.
*Write logs to file. Creates a log file.
*Log exceptions only. Creates a log file only when errors occur. Exceptions include minor transfer issues that do not affect the overall result of the metadata transfer.
e. Select the objects that you want to add to the profile. For information about the object types and object dependencies, see Transferring and Importing Metadata.
*Click Select All to select all defined objects of the selected type.
*Select specific objects by clicking Select. Select each object to add to the profile and click Set Values.
To remove selected objects, click Show Selected Values, select the objects that you want to remove and then click Remove Values.
5. Click Save to save the profile.
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