Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Working with Metadata : Transferring and Importing Metadata : Metadata Core Relationships
Metadata Core Relationships
For every object type, the core definition must be copied to the destination repository. The following table lists the object relationships that you must select for transfer along with the metadata object.
Metadata Object Types and Associated Relationships
Metadata Object Type
Associated Relationship Transferred
Complex View
Object definition and the following associated relationships:
*Workflow rules.
*Hooks (excluding the hook command).
*Data entry groups.
*Default sort order.
*Authorization information for all associated roles except row-level filter.
Conceptual Object
Object definition and the following associated relationships:
*Workflow rules.
*User notification.
*Authorization information for all associated roles.
Data Entry Group
Data Object
Object definition and the following associated relationships:
*Workflow rules.
*Hooks (excluding the hook command).
*Data entry groups.
*Default sort order.
*Authorization information for all associated roles except row-level filter.
Data Quality Cleansing Job
Associated data quality project and its dependencies.
Data Quality Matching Job
Associated data quality project and its dependencies.
Data Quality Project
*Associated data objects.
*Associated conceptual objects.
*Associated interchange mapping profile.
*Associated data quality rules, if DQServer = “wM OneData”.
*Integration Server connection, if any.
*Survivorship attribute groups.
Data Quality Rules
Deployment Job
Job definition, excluding job schedules.
Deployment Job Step
FTP/SFTP Destination System
Global Report
*Report definition.
*Authorization information for all associated roles.
Hook Command Object
*Hook command definition.
*Associated roles and objects.
Import Job
Job definition, excluding schedule.
Import Job Step
Integration Server Connection
Interchange Mapping
LDAP Profile
Messaging Queue
Metadata Only Object
Remote Object
Object definition and the following associated relationships:
*Workflow rules.
*Hooks (excluding the hook command).
*Data entry groups.
*Default sort order.
*Authorization information for all associated roles except row-level filter.
Remote Snapshot
Object definition and the following associated relationships:
*Workflow rules.
*Hooks (excluding the hook command).
*Data entry groups.
*Default sort order.
*Authorization information for all associated roles except row-level filter.
Reports Folder
Rules Engine
Subscribing System
Survivorship Attribute Groups
User Group
Workflow Hook Mapping
Workflow Rule
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