Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Working with Metadata : Audit Logs : Viewing Data Audit Logs
Viewing Data Audit Logs
The data audits log tracks the changes made to records at the Data Manager (values) level. The data audit logs provide more comprehensive information than that displayed in the data audit columns in the Data Manager, including the ability to filter data by the user, role, and the statement type.
Filtering options for Data Audit are shown in the table below:
One or more objects must be selected before the Data Audit log can be displayed.
Once the filter criteria are specified, the Data Audits By Transaction Type screen displays the detailed audit information, sorted by statement type. Users can click Show Audit by Record to see the sort re-organized by data record. To change the existing filter, click Change Filter. Data can also be exported to Excel by using the Export to excel command.
To view data audit statistics
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > Logs > Data Audits.
2. Define the filter for the logs you want to display:
a. Specify the date range that corresponds to the logs you want to view. Select FROM and TO dates to filter between certain dates.
b. In Objects, select one or more objects. To select multiple objects, press the Control key and click the objects to include. You must select at least one object.
c. In Users, click the Select Values icon and select the users to include in the filter. Click Set Values to include the users in the log. You can also filter the required user name(s) by entering the filter criteria and clicking the Search Value icon or by pressing Enter.
d. In Role, select one or more roles.
e. In Statement Types, select the types of actions to include in the result. You must select at least one statement type:
*All: Displays data audit logs for all types of updates.
*Inserts: Displays only data audit logs of objects with insert actions.
*Updates: Displays only data audit logs of object with update actions.
*Deletes: Displays only data audit logs of objects with delete actions.
*Purges: Displays only data audit logs of object with purge actions.
3. Click Next.
The Data Audits screen displays transactions by transaction type. displays the detailed audit information for each statement type.
4. Click View for the corresponding record to retrieve the XML content.
5. Click Show Audit by Record to sort data by record.
6. Use the arrows above the columns to scroll through the results. Click the column heading to change the sort order.
*To export the results to Excel, click Export to Excel. Save the file or open the file directly in Excel.
*To apply a different filter, click Change Filter.
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