Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Using Workflow in OneData : Workflow in OneData : Nova Workflow
Nova Workflow
OneData workflow features are available in both Default mode and Nova mode. Nova mode provides the most efficient design for using workflow functionality. To use Nova workflow, ensure that the Enable Nova Workflow system property is selected (Administer > System > System Properties). For more about configuring system properties, see Administering webMethods OneData.
Workflow in Nova mode provides the following advantages over workflow in Default mode:
*Supports multiple description columns for a reference column.
*Supports the three states of a boolean column (yes, no, and null), if the column is set to display as a list.
*Supports supertype subtype constructs with a single level.
*Allows you to control the number of records that display on the Workflow Details screen using the Number of Rows property in Personalize > Preferences.
*Allows you to display all actions on a conceptual object transaction in read-only mode in the Workflow Details screen, if the latest action performed in the conceptual object is delete.
*Applies the approver’s security privileges to the records that display in the Workflow Details, as described in the following table:
Approver Privilege Level
Displays records as read-only.
Object level
Displays records with the approver’s object level security. For example, if the approver does not have edit privileges, the approver sees the records in read-only mode.
Column level
Displays records with the column level privilege. That is, if the approver does not have edit privileges for a column, the user cannot update the column in the workflow.
While configuring mandatory columns, ensure that the approver has the appropriate update privileges on the columns that are set as mandatory.
Row filter
Same privilege as specified in the row filter.
While setting the row filter for an approver, if you choose the row filter only for the Select action for a set of values, those values shows the entire record in the approver's workflow inbox. For the remaining values in the same object the approver sees the following:
*Only the primary key of that record in a data object.
*Only that record's object name in a conceptual object hierarchy.
The following restrictions apply to using workflow in Nova mode:
*The additional qualifier, Rewind in Workflow, in conceptual object definition is not supported in the Nova Workflow screen.
*The Add Entry option in the Reference window is not supported.
*Nova workflow restricts the parent hierarchy nodes as per the approver's privileges. For example, for the conceptual object Country > State > City to show properly in the tree, you must select the reference column from State to Country in addition to any other columns selected for Select privilege.
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