Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Using Workflow in OneData : Workflow Dashboard : Workflow Report as Summary Tables
Workflow Report as Summary Tables
Workflow dashboard shows three summary tables that displays top ten items in three categories as described below:
Table Name
By Workflow
Shows the top ten oldest pending workflow transactions. The columns in this table display:
*Object Name: Name of the object of which the transaction is pending.
*Identifier: Primary key column name of the corresponding object along with the primary key value.
For example, if PK1 is the primary key column name and 101 is the primary key value of the record that is pending, the Identifier column shows PK1=101;.
Identifier shows multi-part primary key by separating them by a semi-colon (;). For example, if PK1 and PK2 are the primary key column names, Identifier shows PK1=101;PK2=202
*Age [Days]: Number of days the workflow transaction has been pending for approval.
*Approvers: Approvers for which the workflow transaction is pending.
By Object
Shows the top ten objects having maximum number of workflow transactions pending. The columns in this table display:
*Object: Name of the object for which the workflow transactions are pending.
*Oldest Items [Days]: Age of the oldest transaction among all the pending workflow transactions for that object.
*Total Number of Items: Number of workflow transactions pending for that object.
By Approver
Shows the top ten approvers who have maximum number of workflow transactions pending for their approval. The columns in this table display:
*Approver: Name of the approver for whom the workflow transactions are pending.
*Number of Items: Number of workflow transactions pending for that approver.
*Oldest Item [Days]: Age of the oldest workflow transaction pending for that approver.
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