Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Using Workflow in OneData : Workflow in OneData : Workflow Rules : Workflow Rewind
Workflow Rewind
In conceptual objects, if multiple changes are made to a related record with multiple approval levels, the record may be reassigned to a lower level in the workflow process. For example, if a change is pending to a parent record that has already been approved in Level 1 workflow, and a subsequent transaction is made to a child record, the parent record may be reset to the first level approval in the workflow process. The entire workflow process begins again incorporating the new change to the transaction.
Workflow rewind is not applicable to external workflow rule associated with a conceptual object.
The following table describes workflow rewind in a scenario where the conceptual object, Location, has a structure of Country-State-City. Workflow Rule X with 2 levels of approvers is associated to this conceptual object.
Rewind in Workflow (Conceptual Object)Object Definition Properties
The following sections describe the record actions and the subsequent effect on workflow rewind.
Rewind with Record Inserts
The following table shows the sequence of events that trigger workflow rewind for insert actions.
Workflow Stage
Insert new record in the parent object.
Step 1: In Data Manager, UserA inserts a new record, USA, in the object Country.
Workflow is initiated.
Workflow approval.
Step 2: The Level 1 approver approves the record.
The record is pending Level 2 approval.
Edit record.
Step 3: UserA edits the record in Data Manager.
No effect. Rewind is not triggered.
Insert to parent record.
Step 4: In the Country object, UserA adds a new record, NJ, to the USA Country record.
Workflow rewind is triggered. The record that was pending at Level 2 is rewound. The workflow transaction is back at Level 1.
When an insert transaction is pending approval, updates to the transaction, by itself, do not trigger workflow rewind. However, subsequent additions to the constituent objects will trigger workflow rewind.
Rewind on Record Updates
The following table shows the sequence of events that trigger workflow rewind for update actions.
On action…
Rewind happens when…
Workflow Stage
Update to a record in the parent object.
Step 1: In Data Manager, UserA updates an approved Country record, INDIA.
Workflow is triggered.
Record is approved.
Step 2: The Level 1 approver approves the record.
The record moves to Level 2 and is pending approval.
Update to the same pending record.
Step 3: UserA again updates the record in Data Manager to IND.
Workflow rewind is triggered. The record is returned to Level 1 and is pending approval.
Rewind on Delete and Restore Actions
The following table shows the sequence of events that trigger workflow rewind for delete and restore actions.
On action…
Rewind happens when…
Workflow Stage
Delete of a record in the parent object.
Step 1: In Data Manager, UserA deletes an approved Country record, USA.
Workflow is triggered.
The change is approved.
Step 2: Level 1 approver approves the deletion.
The record moves to Level 2 and is pending approval.
The same record is restored.
Step 3: In Data Manager, UserA restores the deleted record. This triggers workflow rewind.
The record is rewound to Level 1.
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