Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : System Objects in OneData : System Objects : OneData Object Structure
OneData Object Structure
Object Structure objects contain all column and structure information of the objects (excluding conceptual objects) as supported in the system object, OneData Objects. The following table lists the columns in the Object Structure object.
Object Id
Unique ID of the object.
Object Name
Name of the object.
Column Id
ID of column.
Column Name
Name of the column.
Column Caption
Caption entered for the column.
Data Type
ID of the data type of the column.
Data Type Name
Name of the data type of column.
Indicates if column is mandatory for database or application.
Data Length
Length specified for the column.
Data Precision
Precision specified for the column.
Default Value
Default value specified for the column.
Default Format
Format specified for the column.
Column Description
Description entered for the column.
XML Element Name
Name entered for the column displayed in REST web services.
Column Type
ID of the type of column.
Column Type Name
Name of the type of column.
Is PK Column
Indicate if the column is part of primary key.
Project Id
ID of project in which this object exists.
Project Name
Name of project in which this object exists.
Schema Id
ID of schema in which this object exists.
Schema Name
Name of schema in which this object exists.
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