Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : System Objects in OneData : System Objects : OneData Objects
OneData Objects
Object system objects define the types of objects in the repository. The types of objects are as listed in the Object Type Id field.
Object Id
Unique ID assigned for the object.
Object Name
Name of the object.
Object Display Name
Display name entered for the object.
Object Type Id
ID assigned to the type of object.
*Data Object: 9
*Remote Snapshot: 10
*Conceptual Object: 50
*Remote Object: 14
*Complex View: 11
*Metadata Only Object: 12
*Logical Object: 52
Object Type Description
Description entered for the object type.
Physical Table Name
Physical table associated with the object.
Object Definition
Definition provided for the object as part of its creation.
Staging Object Id
ID of the object in Work area.
Connection Name
STG and PRD respectively for Work area and Release area objects. If the object is a remote object, the name of connection from which this object was obtained.
Project Id
ID of project in which this object exists.
Project name
Name of project in which this object exists.
Schema Id
ID of schema in which this object exists.
Schema Name
Name of schema in which this object exists.
Client Id
ID entered for client through database.
Client Name
Name entered for client through database.
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