Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData User’s Guide : Versioned Hierarchy Management in OneData : Versioned Hierarchy
Versioned Hierarchy
Major and Minor Versions
Scratchpad Versions
Merging Versions
Versioned Hierarchy is an optional module in OneData that provides functionality for maintenance, versioning, approval, and release of hierarchy versions. Currently OneData supports versioning for only ragged hierarchies. A ragged hierarchy is one in which the object is either self-recursive (have one-to-many relationship to itself) or network recursive (a many-to-many relationship with other entities).
The following table describes the types of versions that can be assigned to a versioned hierarchy.
When accessing the object for the first time, before any records exist in the object, the status displays as New to the 1st level approver on the Filter screen.
When records are added to version, the status of the version remains pending until all approvers in the workflow approve the version. Only one version can be pending.
When records are added to a version, the status of the version changes to approved, after all approvers in the workflow approve the version. Only one version can be approved.
When a new version changes to approved status, the previous approved version changes to retired status.
A version that has been manually deleted by a user.
A versioned hierarchy can have only one pending version and one approved version at a time. However, there can be several retired and deleted versions.
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