Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Using the MDR User Interface : Menu and the Navigation Bar
Menu and the Navigation Bar
The menu and the navigation bar on the left side of the OneData Home page are visible from each navigation page. The menus may vary among users based on the security privileges assigned to the user account.
On the right side of the screen within the Menu toolbar, there three menu items: Help, Logout, and Switch:
*Help is the link to access the Online Help within OneData.
*Log Out automatically logs out the user.
*Switch toggles between the Work area and Release area.
The Navigation toolbar under the Menu commands orient you to where you are within the application. It consists of a series of module names or function commands, separated by the >> symbol. All of the commands except the specific Menu names are clickable links that route you to a particular module or function.
On the right side of the screen within the Navigation toolbar, you can edit certain preferences and navigate to Data Manager using the icons in the Preferences menu.
Any preferences changed using the toolbar are session-specific changes and are not saved. For information about configuring personal preferences and user-session preferences, see webMethods OneData User’s Guide.
You can also save your a list of favorite objects in the Personalize > Favorites menu. These objects also display on your Home page. For information about personalizing favorites, see the section on managing favorites in webMethods OneData User’s Guide.
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