Creating a Cleansing Project in Trillium
Use the following procedure to create the cleansing project in Trillium. You can also use predefined templates instead of creating your own cleansing project. For more information, see
Deploying Trillium V13 Templates.
To configure the cleansing project in Trillium
1. Log on to the Trillium Control Center to create a real-time Director project for cleansing.
2. Select the countries for which you want to process data.
Note: | By default, Trillium cleanses data for US, Canada, and France. For other countries, you must install the postal directories and templates for the country-specific cleansing process. |
3. Define the cleansing rules.
Note: | You can use a delimited file to define the input attributes. A Trillium entity is created for each attribute and is used by the Trillium Cleansing project. Output attributes are typically the standard attributes that Trillium returns. |
4. Create the project in Control Center and validate it using the Real-Time Deployer tool.
5. Export the project to Director.
6. In Director, create a cleansing server on a specific port.
Tip: | Note the server ID and server name for when you define the OneData connection to the server. |