Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Stewardship, Submission, and Registration : Bulk-Assigning Stewardship Attributes
Bulk-Assigning Stewardship Attributes
Use the following procedure to bulk assign submitter and steward organizations to an administered item.
To bulk assign stewardship attributes
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Manage > Manage Data.
2. Select Administered Item (Steward Assignment). Click the Values tab.
3. Select the check boxes corresponding to the administered items that you want to bulk-assign to the same organizations and contacts.
4. Click Update Bulk.
OneData displays a screen with blank attribute values.
5. Select the appropriate values.
OneData only updates the fields in which values were specified. For example, if you define the Registration Authority but do not specify Submitter Organization, OneData only updates the Registration Authority for the selected records. You can pre-assign Submitter, Steward, and Registration Organization and associated contacts in the appropriate role in an administered item when the item is created.
6. Click Save.
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