Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Developing for webMethods OneData : SOAP Web Services : Using the OneData SOAP Web Services Feature
Using the OneData SOAP Web Services Feature
You can use the SOAP web service to retrieve data from OneData objects by sending an input XML request through the soapUI. Before you can send the input request, you must define the URL of the OneData WSDL in soapUI.
The filter criteria that you specify in the input XML request is case sensitive.
To use soap services
1. Install soapUI from the following link:
2. Start the soapUI.
3. Click File Name > New Soap Project.
4. In Project Name, enter the project.
5. In Initial WSDL, enter the URL of the WSDL as, http://<host>:<port>/onedata/services/onedata?wsdl
6. Click OK.
7. Drill down to onedataSoapBinding under the created project and right click getData.
8. Select New Request.
9. Open the drop down on the top of the request window and select edit current….
10. Change the text field to http://<host>:<port>/onedata/services/onedata and click OK.
11. Paste the following XML snippet into the left side of the request window.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<asInputXML xsi:type="xsd:string">
  <PASSWORD>Password for service layer security</PASSWORD>
  <ENTITYNAME>data object name</ENTITYNAME>
12. Click Submit request to specified endpoint URL (green play button) in the toolbar of the request window.
The response appears in the right pane. The data is either inline or stored in the attachment part of web-service response.
13. To retrieve the data from the attachment, click Attachments in the bottom of the window. Double-click the attachment to open it.
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