Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Understanding Software AG Products : SOA Governance and API Management : Exposing and Consuming Services
Exposing and Consuming Services
The product used to expose and consume services is CentraSite. CentraSite is a standards-based registry and repository that provides the infrastructure you need for the design-time aspects of SOA.
Service providers can develop services and other reusable assets such as XML schemas, and event types using Software AG Designer (see Application Integration), and then register these assets in the CentraSite registry, or catalog. Service providers can also register assets that are customized for your environment, such as reusable Java libraries and portlets. The CentraSite catalog supports the Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) standard, and is UDDI v2- and UDDI v3-compliant. CentraSite provides a browser-based user interface that lets service providers submit services to the catalog, and lets service consumers browse the catalog for services to use. The illustration below shows the CentraSite service catalog.
CentraSite can but does not have to store the asset itself in the catalog. A catalog entry might simply describe an asset or indicate its availability. The actual asset itself might reside elsewhere in your enterprise.
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