Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Developing for webMethods OneData : REST Web Services : REST XSDs : Configuring OneData to Skip Empty Columns
Configuring OneData to Skip Empty Columns
You can configure OneData to skip empty columns and reset the value of any other column as empty by using REST in the file. The onedata.datainterchange.nullify.keyword property defines whether to nullify an empty field while constructing the XML. Use this property along with the parameter skipEmptyColumns in the REST URL.
To skip empty columns and reset other columns
1. Go to <Installation_Directory>\SoftwareAG\profiles\ODE\bin\onedata\config directory and open the file.
2. Set the property, onedata.datainterchange.nullify.keyword=NULLIFY_FIELD to automatically skip empty columns and reset fields. Save and close the file.
For example, if onedata.datainterchange.nullify.keyword=NULLIFY_FIELD, and you want to reset a column value while constructing XML, use NULLIFY_FIELD as follows.
3. In the REST web service link, use the parameter skipEmptyColumns=true.
4. Using the HTTP Client, POST the created XML through the RESTful web service link.
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