Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Developing for webMethods OneData : REST Web Services : Using JSON Strings in REST Services : REST URL Parameters : objectNamePrefixedInXSD
Overrides the default global setting configured in
For details of the global configuration properties, see Administering webMethods OneData.
Format of the XML request:
http://[hostname]:<port>/<context>/rest/<repository>/<project>/<DO/CO/RO>/<object name>
? objectNamePrefixedInXSD=0
Possible values are:
*0. Generates XSDs and handles REST XMLs (GET and POST operations) without a prefix to the column names. This enables backward compatibility with objects created in OneData versions 9.7.x and earlier.
Example of the XML request:
Example of the XML response:
*1. Prefixes the XML Element Name defined for an object to the column names in XSDs and REST GET output generated, and expects the prefix in the REST POST input, by default. If you do not define an XML Element Name for an object, OneData uses the physical table name as the column name prefix.
*Example of the XML response:
Example of the XML response:
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