Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Developing for webMethods OneData : REST Web Services : Using Filters in REST Services : REST Object URL Syntax
REST Object URL Syntax
The REST URL syntax is as follows and is described in the table that follows.
Name of server on which OneData is deployed.
Port on which OneData is deployed (optional based on deployment).
Context name of OneData in the application server.
Name of the service provider bean as configured in web.xml. (This is a constant value.)
Repository ID.
Name of the project.
[type] Type of object. The value is case sensitive.
*CO. Conceptual object.
*DO. Data object.
*RO. Remote object.
*IM. Interchange mapping.
Name of the data object, conceptual object, remote object, or interchange mapping.
The RESTful web service URL does not support slashes (/ \) in an object name. If these characters are part of an object name, you will not be able to retrieve the object through an HTTP request to the OneData server.
Use parameters to customize the request URL for REST. The format for the request parameter in a request URL. For information about the REST parameters, see REST URL Parameters.
Object REST URL Examples
The following are examples of REST URLs:
*Data Object. Where the object name is Employee.
http:// localhost:8080/onedata/rest/QA/StandardProject/DO/Employee
*Conceptual Object. The object name is Employee CO.
http://localhost:8080/onedata/rest/QA/StandardProject/CO/Employee CO
*Remote Object. The object name is CountryID RO
http://localhost:8080/onedata/rest/QA/StandardProject/RO/CountryID RO
*Interchange Mapping. The interchange mapping name is Employee Interchange.
http://localhost:8080/onedata/rest/QA/StandardProject/IM/Employee Interchange
You can customize the REST URL with a filter and additional parameters. For more information, see Using Filters in REST Services. For information about the REST parameters, see REST URL Parameters.
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