Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Registry Lookup : 2. Security Lookup Table Maintenance Parameters
2. Security Lookup Table Maintenance Parameters
The following table lists the entities maintained in the 2. Security Lookup Table Maintenance folder.
Lookup Table
An instance of a role of an individual or an organization (or organization part or organization person) to whom information items, material objects, and/or persons can be sent to or from in a specified context. When you add a new user to the registry, the contact is inserted. You can update contact information from this Maintenance screen. No new records can be added to this entity.
A unique framework of authority within which a person or persons act, or are designated to act, towards some purpose.
Security lookup entities are maintained the same way as the entities in 1. General Lookup Table Maintenance, except that contacts are automatically added when a new user is added in the Security module. Once created, a contact can be assigned to multiple organizations.
You should not manually add contacts to the system.
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