Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Developing for webMethods OneData : Working In Process Flow Designer : Process Flow Designer : Model Components
Model Components
Model components make up the process flow diagram and include the start, stop, and the containers for process items. Each component in the diagram is assigned a default name, but you can define additional properties by double clicking the component.
Process Flow Designer has the following model components:
*Start. A process flow diagram must have one and only one Start component. Start components contain the originalrowset property from iHooks and indicate where the process starts. The component has one item implicitly embedded. Additional process items cannot be added to the Start component.
Start Property
Name of the start component. The name must be unique; it can contain spaces or blanks, but special characters are not allowed.
Data Object
Data object is required, even if cardinality is 0 for the process flow execution.
Comments or description to be attached to the Start component. Informational purposes only. Optional.
*Stop. A process flow diagram must have at least one, but may have many Stop components. Stop components cannot have outbound connections and indicate where the process ends. The component has one embedded stop item. Additional process items cannot be added to the Stop component.
Stop Property
Name of the stop component. The name must be unique; it can contain spaces or blanks, but special characters are not allowed.
Message shown to the user when end of the process flow branch is invoked.
Comments or description to be attached to the Stop component. Informational purposes only. Optional.
*Process Component. A process component contains the process that is being executed in a process flow. The process component contains the individual process items, which are either interactive as forms, grids, or questions, or non-interactive as OneData actions, mappings, or sequences.
Process Property
Name of the process component. The name must be unique; it can contain spaces or blanks, but special characters are not allowed.
Comments or description of the process component. Informational purposes only. Optional.
*Loop. Loop components are containers for splitter (start loop) and aggregator (end loop) process items.
Loop Property
Name of the loop component. The name must be unique; it can contain spaces or blanks, but special characters are not allowed.
Comments or description to be attached to the Loop component. Informational purposes only. Optional.
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