Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData User’s Guide : OneData Users : Accessing OneData
Accessing OneData
OneData requires you to sign in with an assigned user-ID and password. OneData can also be configured to allow anonymous users to access objects and data. Anonymous users may be restricted to certain contents and functionality. For more information about configuring anonymous users, see Administering webMethods OneData .
The number of users that can access OneData is determined by the OneData license agreement for the organization. Any inactive users in the system will not be counted as part of the number of users specified in the license agreement. For more information on setting up user accounts, see Administering webMethods OneData.
The OneData logon page may be accessed through a portal or by directly entering the OneData URL in a web browser, depending on how your organization has configured access.
New users usually receive a welcome email message from the administrator that includes logon details such as, user name, initial password, OneData repository, and the OneData URL. New users must change their passwords after the first logon.
The repository name may also be specified in the OneData URL, so that users can enter directly into the repository that they use. For example, if the OneData URL is and the repository name is Test, you can use the URL to enter directly into the Test repository. The repository name is case sensitive.
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