Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Managing an Object Structure : OneData Specific Data Types
OneData Specific Data Types
In addition to the data types supported in Oracle and SQL Server, the following OneData specific data types (with underlying database data type) allow for extra functionality through the presentation layer.
You can reset the sequence columns by changing the data type to numeric, saving it and then setting the data type back to a sequence.
If you are using SQL Server, when you convert OneData data type from:
*Database sequence to numeric, drop the column in the external system and re-create a column (with same column name) of data type numeric.
*Numeric to database sequence, ensure that the data type of the column is numeric identity in the external system.
Data Type
Base Data Type
Database Sequence
*Oracle: Numeric
*SQL Server: Numeric Identity
Generates a unique numeric value for inserts. OneData generates the sequence and necessary triggers as well (if not created externally).
Contiguous Sequence
*Oracle: Numeric
*SQL Server: Numeric
Generates a unique numeric value based on existing values. Gaps in existing values are picked up first before higher number values are returned.
Optional Database Sequence
Same as database sequence except optionally enter the value manually or import value. When editing an Optional Database Sequence, you can filter the sequence based on another column in the object.
External Sequences
*Oracle: Numeric
*SQL Server: Not supported
Application assumes that sequence and triggers are generated externally.
*Oracle: Numeric(1)
*SQL Server: Bit
Stores a 0 (No), 1 (Yes), or Null (Select value). This attribute can be displayed as a check box or list box. If no value is selected in list box (for example, Select value) during an insert or edit, then it is stored as null; no value displays in the either check box or list box. Default display type is check box.
The following rules apply:
*In the Filter and Update Bulk screens, booleans always display as a list box.
*If the display type is check box, and no value is entered in a boolean column, the record is saved as “no” in the boolean column.
*For the list to display properly, ensure that the Work Area-to-Release Area Mode in the System Properties is selected as Nova. For information on System Properties, see Administering webMethods OneData.
File Type
*Oracle: Varchar
*SQL Server: Varbinary
Path of a file location. Choose a file from file system using the browse button.
*Oracle: Numeric
*SQL Server: Numeric
User enters a number and is automatically converted to a % format.
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