Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Managing an Object Structure : Synchronization of Column Properties and Audit Triggers : Synchronizing Columns in OneData
Synchronizing Columns in OneData
When using the Synchronize Structure option, OneData detects all columns added or deleted, including any comments set in the remote database (Oracle 9 and above). OneData also detects any data type or constraint change (including checking constraints). For views, existing constraints are not removed. All metadata changes are propagated to production. OneData excludes system-generated check constraints (or check constraints starting with sys_).
When you use SQL Server:
*If you add a numeric identity column in the database after synchronizing the structure, you must change the data type of the corresponding column in OneData to database sequence. This is necessary because OneData detects this column as a numeric column when you synchronize structure.
*If you add a column in OneData through Synchronize Structure, the data type of the column in OneData changes to the default SQL Server data type supported in OneData. For example, if you add a decimal column in the database and execute synchronize structure, and then change the precision of the column in OneData, the column type changes to numeric (the default SQL server data type supported for OneData) in the database.
To synchronize columns with its backend structure
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Objects and select the relevant object.
2. Click the Structure tab.
3. Click Synchronize > Structure.
OneData displays the updates to the column.
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