Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData Consolidation MDM Guide : Multiple Gold Mapping : Merging Consolidation Object Columns to Linked Gold Records
Merging Consolidation Object Columns to Linked Gold Records
You can select the columns in the consolidation object to be transferred into the linked Gold record, and click Merge to update the Gold record with the Consolidation value.
Consolidation Column
Name of column in the Consolidation object.
Consolidation Value
Value input for the column in Consolidation object.
Gold Column
Name of corresponding column in Consolidation Gold object.
Gold Value
Value present in the column in Consolidation Gold object.
When the Gold Column is updated, the Merge status of the Consolidation Column is changed to Merge Complete. The notification user group, if selected, is set as empty.
For multiple gold model, the column names of the denormalized view should be same as that of the underlying tables. The primary key columns for both tables (master and detail) should be present in the denormalized view. For multiple gold model, the columns only display in the dialog box if they exist in the denormalized view.
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