Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Developing for webMethods OneData : In-Memory Database : Creating a Cache Refresh Job
Creating a Cache Refresh Job
Data Cache Refresh from Work Area to Release Area
Multiple objects can be selected and refreshed by using the Cache Refresh Job. This job can then be scheduled to run at a specified time.
To create a new cache refresh job
1. On the menu tool bar, click Define > Configuration > Cache > Cache Refresh.
2. Click Add to create a new cache refresh job.
3. Complete the job definition:
Name for the new cache refresh job.
Description of the job.
Available Objects
Objects for which caching has been enabled.
Selected Objects
Use the arrows to move the required objects from Available Objects to Selected Objects.
User or user group to be notified. Use the search option to select a required user or user group from the list.
OneData displays 100 users or user groups per page.
4. Click Save. OneData saves the cache refresh job. After the job has successfully run, OneData notifies the designated user or user group.
When the configuration Enable Caching? and Create Cache on Start-up? is set on a conceptual object, all the data for the constituent objects is automatically loaded to the cache. To prevent multiple data loads, ensure that Create Cache on Start-up? is not checked for the constituent objects of the conceptual object.
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