Managing Pending Workflow
Use the following procedure to manage pending workflow tasks.
To manage pending workflow requests
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Manage > My Workflow Inbox or View > Collaboration Queues > Workflow Items.
2. Enter search criteria to narrow the types of workflow items that display and click Next. Use the following table as a guide to the filter options:
Parameter | Description |
Change Type | The type of change request for which the approval is pending. |
Create Date (From/To) | The date range during which the workflow item was created. |
Change Request Number Range (From/To) | The pending change request number. |
Object | The object in which records pending changes reside. |
Level in Workflow Approval | The level of the pending items for the user. The initiator of the workflow request is level 0. For information about workflow approval levels, see Viewing the Workflow Model. |
OneData returns the records with pending workflow actions.
3. Select the pending records that you want to process.
Tip: | To view only the requested record actions for one object, select the object and then the pending records. For conceptual objects, click Expand /Collapse All to view the complete object hierarchy. |
OneData displays the following details on the My Workflow Inbox Summary screen:
Field | Description |
Select | Selects records on which to perform the workflow action. |
Object | The object corresponding to the pending records. By default, records display by change type. Click the object name to view the pending records associated with an object and change type. The Number of Items column indicates how many records exist for an object. |
Level in Workflow Approval | The level of approval for the pending record, for example, if there are multiple levels of approval required for the object. |
Change Type | The type of change request: insert, restore, update, or delete. |
Number of Items | The number of pending records for the given object. |
Comment | Comments for audit history. This field is required for records that are rejected or delegated. |
Workflow Rule | Workflow rule assigned to the object. Click the rule to view the rule definition. |
4. Select the workflow items to process and enter comments for data audit history and do one of the following:
Modify the records. If you have security privileges, make any necessary modifications and click
Save before approving the records.
Approve the records. Click
OneData propagates the records to the release area or, if there is another level approver, triggers an approval workflow action for the next level user.
Reject the record changes. Click
OneData triggers a workflow action for the requesting user. If the requesting user also rejects the records,
OneData deletes them.
If the requestor or object owner makes the changes and approves the records, the workflow process is re-triggered.
Delegate another user to approve the record updates. Select a user in the assign user field, and click
Delegate to.
OneData triggers a workflow action for the specified user, who can approve, reject, or delegate the workflow action to another user.
Request information from another user. Select a user in the assign user field, and click
Request Info.
OneData triggers a workflow action for the specified user, who can only reply to the item.
Reply to user. Click
OneData triggers a workflow action for the original requesting user, who can resume assigning workflow actions for the records.
Execute command hook on several records. Select a command hook from the
Execute Command Hook field.
OneData performs the selected action and updates the data accordingly.
Tip: | In data objects, select a record and click Data Audits to view changes made during the approval process, including timestamp, executed by, transaction type, comments and description. |