Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData User’s Guide : Managing Workflow : Data Changes in OneData
Data Changes in OneData
OneData provides user collaboration features to control changes to data. The workflow module allows you to assign rules to objects that limit any record changes to only approved users. This includes the capability to create an approval hierarchy in which there are multiple levels of approval.
Change request management features allow users without edit privileges to request data changes. While workflow management is achieved by defining workflow rules and assigning them to objects, change requests send requested data changes directly to the object owner.
OneData organizes workflow and change requests into separate menu options for ease of finding outstanding changes:
*My Request Inbox. Contains data changes that the signed in user must approve. These changes are for objects that the signed in user owns.
*My Workflow Inbox. Contains workflow items that require approval by the signed in user. The user can approve, reject, delegate or reply to a workflow item. The workflow inbox is available from the Manage menu on the Menu toolbar. OneData also notifies users if there are changes pending approval on the Home page.
*My Workflow Transactions. Contains workflow items submitted for approval by the signed in user.
*Admin Approvals. Contains all the outstanding workflow items that are pending for all users. Users with administrative privilege can override the defined workflow to approve an outstanding item.
*Request Change. From the collaboration menu, allows a user without edit privileges to request data changes.
*Discussion Forum. Allows users to connect to an internal forum, if enabled by your organization.
Workflow rules can be assigned to both an object or to a specific column. The following table describes the actions that designated approvers can perform for pending data changes.
Workflow Action
Approves changes.
Rejects changes. Rejected transactions are routed back to the requestor. You must enter a comment if you reject the workflow item.
Request Info
Forwards the item to another user to reply with information. The receiving user cannot approve, reject or delegate the action item. Use the Select A Value lookup to assign the user.
Delegate To
Assigns the item to another user for approval. Use the Select A Value lookup to select the user. You must enter a comment to complete this field. Clear Value removes the selected user from the field.
Replies to a request for information workflow action. Enter comments and send the notification to a user.
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