Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData User’s Guide : Introduction to OneData : Object Types : Object Subtypes
Object Subtypes
Temporal Objects Rules and Restrictions
Temporal Objects Frequently Asked Questions
OneData definition and data objects can further refined with the following object subtypes:
*Temporal: Data objects with records that expire. Typically in a temporal object, each record has a start and end date that specifies the dates during which the record is valid, for example, to define seasonal prices. After the end date is reached, the record remains in the database, but is either no longer visible, or is visible but is no longer editable. For more information, see Temporal Objects Rules and Restrictions.
*Hierarchy Temporal Object
OneData supports folder organization of objects. To access the records in an object and to manage the folder organization, you must also have the appropriate security privileges. For information about user security privileges, see Administering webMethods OneData.
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