Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData User’s Guide : Introduction to OneData : The OneData Interface : Navigating in OneData
Navigating in OneData
OneData has three menus that contain the functions that you use in the application. These menus are visible from every page and are specific for your user account. Depending on your security privileges, OneData displays the following menus:
*The logged on user, the repository name, project, and the current schema display above the OneData banner. The following commands are also available:
*Help: Accesses OneData online help.
*Log Out: Logs off the user.
*Switch: Allows you to toggle between the Work area and Release area.
*iWiki Page: Routes the user to an internal
*Menu toolbar: Contains the menu commands for managing data and system properties.
*Navigation toolbar: Located just below the menu items, displays your location within the application. It consists of a series of module names or function commands, separated by the >> symbol. You can click underlined objects and folders to navigate to a different location.
*Shortcuts toolbar: Located below the OneData logo, this menu provides shortcuts to the most commonly accessed functions, including the Home page accessible from any screen within OneData from the toolbar.
Clicking the webMethods OneData logo located below the Menu toolbar provides details about the application, application server, preferred monitor resolution, code version, current repository ID, and current repository metadata version.
OneData adheres to common user interface and database design practices, for example:
*Fields that cannot be edited, for example, primary keys, are not selectable.
*A tool tip field description displays on a mouse over of the field, if configured in the column definition. For more information on tool tips, see Implementing webMethods OneData.
*When the column data type is date, use the calendar icon to select a date from the calendar, or enter the date manually.
The menu options available vary according to the user’s security privileges. You can access the records associated with an object using the menu option Manage > Manage Data or View > Browse and selecting the object. Depending on the object definition, the initial data manager screen may display a filter tab for narrowing the record results displayed.
*Edit: Allows users with appropriate security privileges to edit records. The user’s edit privileges are further verified at the object-level. individual record level. Users without privileges to edit records view the Detail screen in read-only mode. For more information on configuring security, see Administering webMethods OneData.
*Display Values: Displays the records associated with the object, filtering values according to any specified search criteria. From the record results, you can also perform other functions, such as edit, insert, copy, or delete records.
*Audit Comments: A logical column that allows you to enter comments about why data was modified. This field only displays on the Insert, Edit, and Audit Trail screens. For more information about audit comments, see Administering webMethods OneData.
OneData provides the capability to group fields. The grouping assignment is defined at the column level and is viewable when editing and inserting a single record.
In conceptual objects and recursive structures, the commands that display in the results page may vary.
OneData uses the following navigation and screen conventions:
** (two asterisks)
Indicates that the field is a primary key. If the key is generated by the system, the field is marked as Sequence. There are four types of database sequences for primary keys:
*Database Sequence: OneData uses a next-number scheme to generate the key.
*Optional: Manually entered value. If no a value is entered, OneData uses the next sequential number. This sequence can be filtered based on another column.
*Contiguous: Uses the current key sequence to fill in gaps.
*External: Generated by an external application.
* (single asterisk)
Indicates that the field is required.
Select Values icon. Allows users to select a value to populate the field.
Clear Values icon. Clears any values entered in the filter.
Show Details icon. Displays details of the selected value. See also the View Details icon.
Add Entry icon. Allows users to enter data for reference columns.
Edit icon. Selects the record and allows the user to edit the data.
Delete icon. Deletes the selected record.
Moves cursor to the next field.
Moves cursor to previous field.
Saves the field values just entered.
Save & Return
Saves the field values and returns to the records results screen.
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The navigation arrows display when the number of records span multiple pages. The number of records that display on a single page is configured in the Preferences> Number of rows for display field. For more information on this field, see Personalizing OneData .
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