Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData User’s Guide : Introduction to OneData : OneData Object Display Modes : Conceptual Object Views
Conceptual Object Views
In addition to the three display modes, OneData also provides different viewing options for conceptual objects:
*Tree—Visually displays the hierarchical relationship of records using a navigation pane and a display grid of the records. The tree view has two traversal modes: single path (default view) and multiple path. In single path traversal mode, only the selected record displays in the navigation pane, not the siblings. In multiple path, the selected record and the siblings of the selected record display in the navigation pane. The tree view provides insight into self recursive structures. One column must be defined as the description column or OneData displays the hierarchy title as, “No Description.”
*Parent-Child—Displays a single interface for maintaining and viewing hierarchies. This view does not include a navigation pane.
Parent-Child view is supported only for conceptual objects in Default mode.
*Advanced Parent-Child—Displays the relationship of related objects (with foreign key relationships) in a navigation pane that visually represents the relationship between records. This feature allows you to easily navigate among records and objects and make changes. Each entity must have one column defined as the description column or OneData displays the hierarchy title as, “No Description.” The left pane displays the record relationships and the right pane displays the record details.
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