Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Working with Interchange Mappings : Using an Interchange Mapping to Manually Import Data
Using an Interchange Mapping to Manually Import Data
Use an interchange mapping profile to import records from a remote source into an object in OneData using an ad hoc or scheduled import job.
You can access interchange mappings on the Menu toolbar in Data Interchange > Configuration > Interchange Mapping or when viewing data in the Data Manager, through the Manage Data menu. In Data Manager, on the Command toolbar, click Import > Data Object Import or Conceptual Object Import for a shortcut directly to the interchange mappings defined for the selected data object or conceptual object.
Users who have privileges to import data for an object, are able to import, add, and delete interchange mapping profiles even if they do not have privileges to create interchange mappings.
For more information about using interchange mappings with scheduling jobs, see Importing Data into Objects.
To use interchange mapping for manual data import
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Data Interchange > Configuration > Interchange Mapping.
2. Select the check box next to the profile to use for import.
3. Click Import.
Click View Mapping File to view the file definition.
4. In Import from file or Import from XML File, depending on the import file type, click Browse to select the input file.
You can change the XSD file used in the import, but if so, you must assign an alternate primary key and re-map the attributes before you import the data.
5. Update any other fields, as needed. For information about each field definition, see the field definitions described in Managing Interchange Mapping Profiles.
6. Click Import.
7. To view the data, click the shortcut on the Command toolbar, Go To Data Manager.
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