Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Installing OneData MDR : Installing OneData MDR Package
Installing OneData MDR Package
OneData MDR is a template that provides a strategic architectural framework and tools to build, manage, and deploy metadata registries compliant with ISO/IEC 11179 standards. The Metamap feature of OneData MDR provides formal metadata consolidation and harmonization. For more information about metamap, see Consolidating Metadata Using Metamap.
The installation requires two steps:
1. Execute database scripts for the MDR package in both the work area and release area data schemas.
2. Import the MDR Package metadata file using the Import Metadata menu in OneData.
OneData MDR offers matching capabilities for the metadata consolidation process in the Metamap module. To configure this feature, contact Software AG Global Support.
Use the following procedure to install OneData MDR on top of a standard OneData installation.
You must have standard OneData installed before you can install the MDR package. Before starting this procedure, verify that you have a OneData MDR license.
To install OneData MDR Package
1. In the work area (STG) and release area (PRD) data schemas, execute the database scripts located in the folder, Software AG_directory /OneData/SCRIPTS.
a. Execute the following scripts in the order listed:
Script Name
Execute the script in...
Work Area
Release Area
2. Create a new user, as follows:
In a new installation, MDR installs an empty repository in which there are no existing users. Therefore, you must create a new user.
a. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > Security > Users.
b. Click Add New User.
c. Create a user and assign the ADMIN role to this user.
For information about creating users and assigning roles, see Administering webMethods OneData.
3. Log on OneData with the user account that you just created.
4. Define the maximum size for file attachments. This value should match the size of the metadata XML files you import.
a. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > System > System Properties.
b. Set the value of Maximum size of file attachment (bytes) property to 104800000 bytes.
5. Import the MDR package metadata file, as follows:
a. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > Metadata > Import Metadata.
b. Click Add Profile.
c. Under Repository and Project, in Select Project, select the project in which to enable the MDR package.
When MDR is installed in an empty repository, the only project available is Standard Project and it is selected by default. If there is more than one project, you can choose the project.
d. Under Metadata File, select the MDR_TEMPLATE_METADATA.xml file from the < Software AG_directory >/OneData/METADATA folder . Click Load.
e. Save the profile after the selected objects are listed by object type on the screen.
f. On the Import Metadata Profile screen, select the check box corresponding to the new profile and click Import. OneData opens the profile for editing.
g. Click Import and OK to execute the import. It runs as an asynchronous task in the background.
OneData displays a job log token ID. Note this ID to verify the job execution as described in the next step.
6. To verify the import process result using the job log token:
a. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > Job Center.
b. Select the Job Type as Transfer Metadata and enter the job log token in Job Log Id.
c. Click Next to verify the import execution results.
7. Verify that columns are listed in the correct order, as follows:
a. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Objects and select the 99. Base Objects folder.
b. Select the object indicated in the following table, and verify the column order on the Column Order tab, as indicated.
Sub Folder
Select Object
Verify that the column...
None (top-level)
Administered Item
Internal Item Id (ITEM_ID) is before Version (VER_NR).
Classification Scheme related entities
Classification Scheme Item
Internal Item ID (ITEM_ID) is before Ver (VER_NR).
8. In the Navigation toolbar, navigate back to the folder, 99. Base Objects.
a. In the Sub-type specific children folder, select the object, Value Meanings.
b. Click the Structure tab and then click Show Structure.
c. Verify that CONC_DOM_ITEM_ID is before CONC_DOM_VER_NR. If not, click the Column Order tab and adjust the column order.
The caption for both columns is the same. Verify that the column order is correct from the Structure tab.
9. In the Navigation toolbar, navigate to the folder, 99. Base Objects > Administered Items Sub-types.
a. For each of the objects listed in the table below, use the following steps to define the primary key constraint in order of ITEM_ID, VER_NR. By default, the primary key constraint is defined as VER_NR, ITEM_ID.
Constraint Name
Classification Scheme
Conceptual Domain
b. Select the object in the table and click the Structure tab.
c. On the Command toolbar, click Edit Constraints.
d. In the Primary Key Constraint area, click the Delete icon corresponding to the primary key constraint.
e. Click Add new Primary Key Constraint.
f. In Constraint Name, type the constraint name for the column as indicated in the table at the beginning of this step.
g. Use the arrows to move ITEM_ID and VER_NR from the Available Columns pane to the Selected Columns pane. Verify that the columns are in order of ITEM_ID, then VER_NR.
h. Click Save.
i. In the Navigation toolbar, return to the 99. Base Objects > Administered Items Sub-types and repeat the previous steps until every object has the correct constraint definition.
10. In the Navigation toolbar, navigate to the folder 99. Base Objects > Classification Scheme related entities.
a. Select the object, Classification Scheme Item.
b. On the Structure tab, click Edit Constraints.
c. In Foreign Key Constraints, select the check box corresponding to the related table, VW_CLSFCTN_SCHM (Classification Schemes). Click Inactivate.
d. Click Add new Foreign Key constraint and create a foreign key with the following properties:
Related Table Name
Classification Scheme (CLSFCTN_SCHM)
Related Column Description
Selected Columns
Columns from Related Table
e. Click Save.
11. In the Navigation toolbar, navigate to the folder 99. Base Objects > Sub-type specific children.
a. Select the object, Permissible Values.
b. Click the Structure tab and click Edit Constraints.
c. Select the foreign key to the related table VW_VAL_MEAN (View Value Meaning) and click Inactivate.
d. Create a foreign key to the table Value Meaning (VAL_MEAN) with the values:
*Source column: VAL_MEAN_ID.
*Related table column: VAL_MEAN_ID.
*Related column description: VAL_MEAN_DESC.
After you install the MDR package, perform the necessary configuration changes as explained in Adding Object Class Relationships to Administered Items.
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