Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Installing and Configuring Elasticsearch : Installing Elasticsearch
Installing Elasticsearch
Pre-requisites: Install Java version 7 or later on the machine where you plan to install ElasticSearch.
Use this procedure to install Elasticsearch engine to enable full-text search of object and record data structures in the New UI (Search). The search includes all data types, excluding BLOB, CLOB and multi-select columns.
You can set up Elasticsearch as a standalone or a clustered server. This procedure provides the steps for installing Elasticsearch as a standalone server.For details on how to set up Elasticsearch clustered server to improve scalability, see the Elasticsearch documentation.
1. From the official Elasticsearch website,, download ElasticSearch version 1.4.4 the machine where you have OneData installed.
If encounter any problems during Elasticsearch installation, contact Software AG Global Support.
2. Unzip the Elasticsearch installer from the Zip or tar file and run the installer.
3. Navigate to the <Elasticsearch Home>/config directory.
4. Open the elasticsearch.yml file, and the default cluster name to a unique value in the following format: <Unique_Value_for_OneData_Instance>
If you have multiple instances of OneData installed, for each instance, provide a unique cluster name. For example, if you have Dev, Test, Prod OneData instances, then you could name the Elasticsearch cluster name corresponding to these instances as OneData-DEV, OneData-TEST, and OneData-PROD.
5. Navigate to <Elasticsearch Home>/bin and follow these steps:
a. Start the server by Elasticsearch server using this command:
Windows machine: <Elasticsearch Home>/bin> elasticsearch.bat
Linux machine: <Elasticsearch Home>/bin> ./elasticsearch
b. Make the following HTTP call:
c. Verify if the HTTP response contains these details to indicate that the Elasticsearch server is running:
*cluster_name: <Unique_Value_for_OneData_Instance> provided in step 4.
*number (version number) = 1.4.4
If you have set the property to true, , OneData loads all supported data objects to the Elasticsearch server on startup.
If there are errors when loading data objects to the Elasticsearch server, check the log file onedataSearchEngine.log. This log provides a summary of the entire data load process in INFO mode. This log summary also includes the number of records processed for each table.
6. Install the elasticsearch-head plugin that provides a web-based front end to monitor and interact with the Elasticsearch server:
a. Navigate to the<Elasticsearch Home>/bin directory.
b. From the command prompt, run the following script:
plugin -install mobz/elasticsearch-head
To access the plugin, use http://localhost:9051/_plugin/head/. For more details on the elasticsearch-head plugin, go to
1. Complete all the configurations required to enable Elasticsearch full-text search. For details of the Elasticsearch configuration parameters details, see OneData Configuration Properties.
2. In Job Center, schedule Elasticsearch data refresh jobs from the work area to ensure that all latest changes in the repository are available users.
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