Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Importing Data into Objects : Creating an Import Job
Creating an Import Job
Use the following procedure to create a new import job. Next, map the data between the source and destination repositories by adding job steps to the job.
To create an import job
1. Before you begin this procedure, ensure that you have a configured connections to the source data as described in Importing Data.
2. On the Menu toolbar, click Data Interchange > Manage Import Job.
OneData displays the existing import jobs.
3. Click Add Import Job and complete the following fields:
Job Name
Enter a name for the job.
Job Description
Enter a description of the job.
Select the mode to use when creating the object as either Nova or Default.
You must use Nova mode for Interchange Mapping profiles. If you are using SQL Server, you can create the import job in Nova mode only.
Job Type
Select the data source as either remote database, XML file, or FTP site. You cannot change a job type after the job is created.
*Remove Database Import. External database.
*Connection: Remote database source for the import.
*Schema: Schema or owner of the remote database.
*XML/XSD Import. Imports data from an XML file.
*Delimited File Import. Imports data from a delimited file.
Source Connection Details
For XML or delimited file data sources, specify the FTP details:
*FTP Source. FTP source of the delimited or XML file.
*FTP User Name. Alternate user name for the FTP server.
*FTP Access Password. Password of the alternate user.
The alternate username/password of the FTP server overrides the username/password specified while configuring the FTP.
Select an option to send the notification email:
*Do not notify. OneData does not send email notifications.
*Notify on errors. OneData sends email notifications if errors occur during the job execution.
*Notify on completion. OneData sends email notifications when the job finishes executing.
To set notifications for both job completion notices and errors, edit the job after it has been defined and click Set Advanced Notification.
Notification Recipients
Select the users or user groups to notify by clicking the Select A Value icon. Select the users or user groups.
To search for a user, enter search criteria for a user or user group. Click the Clear Values icon to clear the values.
4. Click Test Connection to verify that the connection exists.
5. Click Save.
6. Add the steps to the job by completing Editing Job Steps.
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