Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Developing for webMethods OneData : OneData Hooks : How are hooks used in OneData? : Hook Types : Stored Procedure Hooks : Default Parameters in a Stored Procedure Hook
Default Parameters in a Stored Procedure Hook
In OneData, you can specify the parameters to the external program or stored procedure when you define the hook or assign it to an object. Parameters defined when the hook is assigned to an object, the parameters override the parameters in the hook definition.
You can use static parameters as needed. You can also pass any other constant numeric parameters to the procedure other than the following placeholders.
The following rules apply to parameters:
*Parameters are not case sensitive and must be separated by commas.
*The format for dates in the XML data stream is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
*The XML stream publishes BLOB and CLOB as null values.
Default Parameters for Validation in Pre-Process Mode for Database Hooks
Physical table name of the object associated with the hook.
Data manager action that triggers the stored procedure. Valid values:
*I (Insert)
*U (Update)
*D (Logical delete)
*R (Restore)
*P (Purge or physical delete)
XML format of the record being manipulated. Column names as XML tags.
User ID of the user performing the data change or executing the hook command.
Passes XML to a hook using string data type.
Pre-Defined Parameters for iHooks
XML format of the record being manipulated. OneData internally stores the XML data as a BLOB.
Output XML from iHook that OneData returns as BLOB.
XML string that the matching engine returns if matching rules are defined.
If the values that you pass contain only numbers, define the parameter as long or string.
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